Know-how & Risk forecasting
Rising water levels, as a result of the effects of global warming, generate serious climate-related hazards, especially along coastal areas with an ever-increasing population seeking to reside along the coast.
Sixty percent of the population lives in coastal areas.
The issues associated with natural hazards (storms) are therefore becoming increasingly pressing.
CORINTH Engineering has developed advanced know-how in the modelling and study of natural phenomena in order to anticipate and address the risks.
Our engineers have developed unique expertise in modeling all types of natural phenomena related to the sea and to rivers, such as:
•Swell propagation from offshore to the coast,
•Coastal and port facility agitation simulation,
•Large-scale and small-scale marine sediment transport modeling,
•Sediment transport modeling in the fluvial environment,
•Simulation of stormwater runoff for flood forecasting,
•Coupling of terrestrial and maritime models to take the interaction of the two phenomena into account,
All the software and computational models used are presented HERE.
Armed with these forecasting capabilities, our engineers are able to design installations to limit the impacts of natural phenomena (swells, floods, etc.).
We thus have the know-how to properly dimension the structures designed to minimize the impact of natural phenomena (damping dikes, flood attenuation basins, etc.), as well as protective structures (vertical dike, retaining wall, dam, etc.).
Our comprehensive approach also allows us to conduct studies in the very early stages of projects (outlook studies, audits, feasibility studies, etc.) as well as far-reaching, detailed studies for the contractor tendering process and carry out the works (detailed design).
We pay particularly close attention to our clients’ needs. Our knowledge of construction economics enables us to provide clients with a wide range of technical, legal, regulatory and financial advice.