The adage & duty
The company’s brand name represents what it is and its philosophy.
This axiom comes from the Greeks; it originated in a story told by Erasmus (God of fishermen) which says that the approach to the port of Corinth was very difficult owing to numerous reefs scattered along the route, and consequently, one’s only reward is the effort and pleasure received in the accomplishment.
Saint Erasmus of Formia, also known as Saint Elmo, who died around 303, is venerated as the patron saint of sailors. Our activity is mainly related to the sea, the coastline and ports.
Corinth is also a city on the Isthmus of Corinth, the narrow land bridge which connects the Peloponnese peninsula with the rest of the mainland of Greece, halfway between Athens and Sparta, and which today is known by the Straits of Corinth.
Corinth is one of the rare large Greek cities of antiquity to have never developed an imperialist policy which sought to enrich itself through trade and to defend its freedom against the conquering intentions of other cities.
Just as engineers have to assume a crucial and dual role in society, first by mastering these techniques in the service of others, then by disseminating information about their true possibilities and their limitations, and by assessing the benefits and risks that they entail.
Objective philosophy & Corinth..
We are living in a complex, demanding, and disproportionate world; the project must be appropriate and appropriate for everyone. In the same manner as Corinthian grapes are aromatic and complex, with a nose of stewed fruit, a sweet but strong body, and a very long finish.
Our expertise will always be a guarantee for the Contracting Authority, as it allows the project to benefit fully from the reflection process from the outset and thus provide specific areas for improvements. This optimizes the operation over the course of its various phases, regardless of whether we’re providing project management assistance or overall prime contractor (design and execution) services.
But also for CORINTHE?
CO.R.IN.THE: COmpagnie de Recherche, d’INgénierie, Technique, Hydraulique et Environnementale, CORINTHE Engineering (research, engineering, technology, hydraulics and the environment)